You probably have heard of CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) on TV. Now, learn what CSI has to do with thermal transfer barcode label printers.
The Problem .
I load a brand new thermal transfer ribbon into my printer and the printer is not printing on my labels.
Let's investigate.
This is a common question often asked by people soon after purchasing a case of brand new thermal transfer ribbons. These people sometimes find that these new ribbons are jamming inside their printer, or there is nothing printing on their labels.
They immediately pick up the phone and start calling around looking for a printer repair company that offers printer service on thermal barcode label printers.
The facts are that very often a printer repair company is not needed.
When this problem arises, there is usually a very simple solution, and you most likely will not need to call for help from a printer service company.
The verdict.
Thermal transfer ribbons are wound at the factory around a core with either a coated side out (CSO) or a coated side in (CSI). Different manufactures of thermal transfer printers such as Zebra , Printronix , Datamax O’Neil (Honeywell) , SATO , TSC and Intermec (Honeywell) differ on which side they coat their ribbons. In order to determine which side is coated, you simply need to take a look at the ribbon and see which side is shinier than the other. The side that has ink on it will look much duller. This side must face the labels when the ribbon is placed on the printers spindle.
As an example, Zebra printers tend to use CSO while Datamax O’Neil printers tend to use CSI. Some model printers (like the Datamax H-Class) can accept BOTH CSI AND CSO. Other manufacturers such as SATO use CSI and Intermec uses CSO.
Sound confusing?
It really does not have to be. The lesson to be learned here is that when ordering thermal transfer ribbons from other than the OEM manufacturer, be sure to simply mention the specific brand and model that the ribbons will be used in, and make sure that you are dealing with a professional person that will sell you the right ribbons for your printer.
Get Ribbon For Your Thermal Label Barcode Printer Now >>
By following this, you can avoid frustration and the need to hire a printer repair company to “fix” your thermal barcode label printer. With any more questions you can always call MIDCOM at (800) 643-2664.
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